Uploading a Shell Bypassing the Security Checks-TuT. _______________ _______________ ______________ HOW to Upload the WebShell Bypassing its Security Methods Hi ,HkrzzZZ... In this Article i will try to Explain how can you bypass the security provided to upload functionality to upload a webshell . Now Consider this scenarios , supposeu have got access to the Admin panel or to any other page which provides uthe functionality to upload a document or a image . The Examples in the articles are in PHP but it can be used for upload function checks in any language lets Start .............. Now as u all know the upload Functionality is basically define in HTML as shown Below
Now the above code will give an button to select the file from ur system and the the submit button will ask the upload.php(cont aining the code) to process the file . a) Normal Implementation In this Implementation the upload.php does not check the file and directly performs the upload as shown in below code Now In the above code we see that the code directly upload the file to the directory . Hence we can directly upload a Webshell and excecutes its as http:/// uploads/ webshell.php or curl http:// / uploads/ webshell.php b) Content Type Verification In this type of Implementation the code in upload.php checks for the type of the file that is being uploadedif it contents plain text or PHP it will not upload it Consider the below code The above code will check if the content/MIME Type of the file is Gif ornot Now if the files having content/Header other than the GIf is uploaded then the HTTP Request is as shown " POST /upload2.php HTTP/1.1 TE: deflate,gzip;q= 0.3 Connection: TE, close Host: localhost User-Agent: libwww-perl/ 5.803 Content-Type: multipart/ form-data; boundary=xYzZY Content-Length: 156 --xYzZY Content-Disposi tion: form-data; name="userfile" ; filename="shell .php" Content-Type: text/plain " The code will check the highlighted portion and see that its not Gif imageand will not upload it Now We can Bypass this protection byimplicitly setting the content type either by Program like perl or by the Form Data tamper plugin in firefox Eg "Content-Type" =>"image/gif" This will make the upload.php script happily accept the file and u can access it as http:// / uploads/ webshell.php or curl http:// / uploads/ webshell.php C) Image File Content Verification In this Type of Verification the developer might decide to verify the content of the uploaded file to check if it has a script or not Consider the below example In above Example the php functions getImageSize returns the size and type of the image checks if the file is valid image file . Now to Bypass this type of verification we can use a program like GIMP to embedded a php script inside the Image File Binary data . when the getimagesize() looks at the file it sees a valid image file but whena php interpreter sees at the file it sees it as a php code and executes thephp code in it along with binary data Hence even if we change the extension of the shell to php and if File name verification is not there then the file would be uploaded as a valid GI or JPEG image hence http:// / uploads.webshell .gif will show a proper image file (even if the code is embedded in it) and http:// / uploads/ webshell.php Will show the shell (it is uploaded as aphp file only ) D) File Name Verification SomeTimes the Developer decides to check the extensions of the uploaded file to decide if the file is Image or not as shown in the following codeIn the Above Code The variable $blacklist contains the extensions to be checked for uploaded file The function pregmatch Checks the name of the uploaded file to see if it contains any of the blacklisted extensions if the blocked extension isnot ther in the uploaded file name then the file is uploaded else a error msg is displayed . Now the Above code can also be bypass by uploading the .Gif or .jpeg file with a php Code embedded in it as shown in step C if the webserver is not configure correctly (which is the case in most of the cases ) then the GIf file is also passed to the PHP Interpreter which Executes the PHP code within it . Another way of bypassing this Method is of Using Null Byte Parameter Change the File Name to Shell.php.gif Now if above file is uploaded the uploded function will check the extention of the file as .gif and allow it to be process . But while uploding as the file contains a nullByte Character () it will ignore everything which is after and save the file as shell.php u can access the file as http:// / uploads/ Shell.php The above hack is possible because in native code, the length of a string is determined by the position of the first null byte from the start of the string - the null byte effectively terminates the string. Hope This Article was self sufficient
Now the above code will give an button to select the file from ur system and the the submit button will ask the upload.php(cont aining the code) to process the file . a) Normal Implementation In this Implementation the upload.php does not check the file and directly performs the upload as shown in below code Now In the above code we see that the code directly upload the file to the directory . Hence we can directly upload a Webshell and excecutes its as http://
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